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Item Encyclopedia > Really Sharp Edge

Really Sharp Edge

329 exist in the game; 116 more have been donated to The Museum.

It can shatter iron chains, cleave a man in two, and even separate the Internet from lolcats and porn. Yes, it's that sharp.

Size / Weight7 / 7

Current Market Information
Gamesell Value?500m
Pawn Shop AvailabilityCannot get at the Pawn Shop;
can give to the Pawn Shop (and Greenhouse)
Seller's Market High Bidnone
Auction House Lowest Bidnone
Flea Market Lowest Offernone
Refuse Store Inventory1250m (2 available)

Equipment (minor bonus)
  • Minor bonus for strength!
  • Minor bonus for toughness!
  • Minor bonus for athletics!
  • Minor bonus for adventuring!
