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Item Encyclopedia > Coal


24022 exist in the game; 496 more have been donated to The Museum.

Besides being useful as a fuel, you could also use Coal to make paint; perhaps even face paint! Having made all your other preparations for battle, you would judiciously apply it, making yourself appear terrifying to the enemy...

... though at your level of artistic skill, you'll have to hope to catch your enemy off-guard as he's laughing at you.

Maybe you should just stick to burning Coal after all suspicious.gif

Size / Weight1 / 1

Current Market Information
Gamesell Value?6m
Pawn Shop AvailabilityCan get at the Pawn Shop;
cannot give to the Pawn Shop (or Greenhouse)
Seller's Market High Bidnone
Auction House Lowest Bidnone
Flea Market Lowest Offer7m (from Minako)
Refuse Store Inventory13m (249 available)
